Saturday, October 17, 2015

Dauset Trails

Our first class field trip was to Dauset Trails. We loved seeing all the animals. We even got to feed some of them! This was a great real world experience that went along with our Animal unit in Science.
The butterfly garden was one of our favorties! We saw all different kinds of milkweed and butterflies!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Monarchs and Milkweed

Our class used the STEM process to help us create a plan to solve the problem of decreasing numbers of monarch butterflies. We used what we know about living things to help the monarch butterflies. We did research to find out what we could do. We found out that monarch caterpillars will ONLY eat milkweed. We observed, soaked, and planted milkweed seed. The seeds came up! We used what we know about the needs of living things to keep the plants alive. We made a plan for planting the milkweed in the raised box gardens behind the school when the plants are bigger. We will then observe the plants daily for Monarch butterflies, eggs and caterpillars.
Product: We worked together to make a flow map to help us follow our plan during this process and we will make changes as needed. 

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